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Quote by Craig, W. L. (2001). Response to Nicholas Wolterstorff

The really important shortcoming in Nick’s essay lies not what he says but in what he leaves out: the implications of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo for God’s relationship to time. The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) codified the Christian doctrine of creation by declaring God to be “Creator of all things, visible and invisible, … who, by His almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing.” This remarkable statement affirms not only creatio ex nihilo in a temporal sense but even a beginning of time itself. What is Nick’s view of the matter? Were there events prior to the moment of creation? If not, did time exist in the absence of any events? Could time have had a beginning? If it did, then how should we construe divine eternity and God’s relationship to time? I invite Nick to reflect further for us on these questions.

— Craig, W. L. (2001). Response to Nicholas Wolterstorff

Source: God & Time: Four Views (p. 224)
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