FavQs allows you to collect, discover, and share your favorite quotes.
At the heart of FavQs is the ability for you to mark a quote as a "fav". Simply click on the heart icon to do so.
You can also influence the ranking of quotes by voting on them. Click the up or down arrow to cast your vote.
You can add your favorite Quote or Dialogue. A Quote has one author whereas a Dialogue will have more than one.
For example, here's a Quote:
And here's a Dialogue:
: “I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.”
A Pro user can add private quotes. These are denoted by the lock symbol.
No one would be able to see this quote except the user who created it.
The user who creates a Private quote has the choice to convert it to a Public quote.
Quotes have tags associated with them. These tags are generated when enough people tag a quote with the same Personal Tag. Think of these tags as "popular" tags.
Popular tags are sometimes noted with the following icon:
For example, the quote below is tagged with "ambition" because several users have personally tagged it with the word "ambition".
You can add a Personal Tag to a quote by adding it to the "Personal Tags" field. Personal Tags are a great way to organize your favorite quotes.
Personal tags are sometimes noted with the following icon:
For example, our sample user has personally tagged this quote as "funny". Since several other users have as well, the personal-tag is also showing up as a popular tag.
When you add a quote, there is an optional field to providethe source of the quote. The provenance of a quote is justas important as the quote itself to many of our users.If you know where the quote is from, please provide a detaileddescription of its origin.
Some quotes can be sourced directly using a URL.If you have a URL that directly identifies the origin of your quote,you can include that in the source field. For example:
A quote might require setup or background information in order to understand or deepen the meaning of a quote. Therefore, there is an optional "Context" field when you add a quote.
We're not in this to collect your data and sell it to 3rd parties. If you want a service that does that, there are plenty of them out there. We love quotes, just like you, and we want to give you the best experience to enjoy them while respecting your privacy.
We will never sell or share personally identifiable information, like your email address or private quotes. FavQs is funded through subscriptions and our own time.
If you have a question, please contact us.
- Scott Gose & Rafael LüderCreators of FavQs