Fav Quotes

 alextrudelle has 78 favorites

“Bran thought about it. "Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?"
That is the only time a man can be brave," his father told him.”
— George R.R. Martin
Context:Bran I. It’s like the first chapter and perhaps the best quote of the whole saga
Source:A Game of Thrones
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Leia“I love you!”
Han“I know.”
Context:Just before Vader had Han frozen in carbonite, to test the device for use on Luke
Source:Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
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“Sleep is good,” he said. “And books are better.” — George R.R. Martin
Context:Tyrion Lannister to Alayaya the prostitute
Source:A Clash of Kings
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“A man must know how to look before he can hope to see.” — George R.R. Martin
Context:Bloodraven to Bran Stark
Source:A Dance With Dragons
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“War makes monsters of us all.” — George R.R. Martin
Context:Thoros of Myr to Brienne of Tarth
Source:A Feast for Crows
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